When i hear the Name Hide Funa, I think of far away motorcycle gasoline and soft creativity….
When I hear the Name Hide Funa, I’m Happy Remembering Our Roads Long Ago…
When I hear the Name Hide Funa I think of Happy Travels and Much Kind Hearts…
When I hear the Name Hide Funa I have Dreams Of Rock And Roll…
Pete, Robert, Leah, me & All the Club Members of BRMC are Sad for You & Your Mama’s Loss…
Stay with Us for now in Our tiny special telepathy sorrowful rock and rolls world please…
Sorrow takes time to Understand just a little…
Hugs from All Over the World to You, Hide…
Bless Yer Heart
See You Soon, Kid…
This Old World Ain’t the End of it…
Love Last Longer than Time…
It Never Ends…
Reiko Forever…