February 26, 2002
London UK
Red Eyes And Tears
US Government
Love Burns
Too Real
White Palms
As Sure As the Sun
Spread Your Love
Whatever Happened To My Rock 'n' Roll (punk song)
Members at this show:
David, Superstar, Eskil,Photos:
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I traveled down to London from Glasgow expressly to see this show. After spending the day in the financial district seeing Canary Wharf and the surroundings, my friend and I made our way to the venue.
At this point in time, the London Astoria was much larger than any other venue I had seen the band in. I was anxiously anticipating how they would carry off a show like this.
Vue, a band also hailing out of LA, was opening for BRMC. I had not heard of them prior to this, but was greatly impressed. They created a deep wall of sound. I was watching the show from up in the balcony and was able to see the whole massive expanse of the crowd. From what I could tell, people were really into them.
Next up was BRMC. I have to say I was a little distracted trying to watch the performance. Normally, I wouldn’t say I’m impressed by celebrity, but none other than Jarvis Cocker was sitting behind me. It took all my willpower not to turn around every five minutes and look at him.
The show, of course, was amazing. After seeing the band in tiny clubs in America, it was incredible to see the change that had occurred on the British Isles. They had taken them over and were playing a huge venue. People were loving it. Jumping around, singing along. The energy was manic. I was extra happy as they played Awake, my favorite song from the first album. Since it was the last night they were going to be touring together, Vue joined the band onstage for the last song, Salvation. It was the perfect end to a great night.