August 25, 2005
Barfly (Acoustic Show)
London UK
Devil's Waitin'
Fault Line
Complicated Situation
Weight Of The World
Love Burns
Shuffle Your Feet
Ain't No Easy Way
U.S. Government
Still Suspicion Holds You tight
Gospel Song
Sympathetic Noose
The Line
Restless Sinner
El Paso
Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll
Spread Your Love
Punk Song
Heart & Soul
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Members at this show:
ako, Blues, brmcut, chrismclaughlin, Deelila, Discogod, elliecat, frusza, Humbug, miu, piglet1965, pigletface, pilgrim, psychedelicgirl, ScreamingGun, simonowen, sunchild, Tcx
Deelila says0 Votes UP / DOWN
After seeing them at the Virgin Live PA show (which was awesome, btw) I couldn't wait to see them again. The Barfly gig was very easy-going, very laid-back. A lil shambolic in places (Shuffle Your Feet), but also kinda wonderful (El Paso was a hoot!). Lotsa mumbling on stage, a bit of piss-taking, lotsa smiles and grins, a great version of Salvation (one of my faves) and of course, hearing those new tracks from HOWL was just fantastic.
It was very crowded and the two young boys in front of me (who, incidentally, almost knocked Peter off his feet when they pounced on him at the Virgin show!!!!) kept treading on me feet, lol!
The band got a fantastic reception (predictably going mental over the old numbers...) and exited to massive cheers and applause.
A pretty good night, all in all!
Love ya boys,
Dee Lila :)
Posted Thursday, September 8, 2005 am30 at 6:35am
Discogod says+1 Votes UP / DOWN
put simply this is one of the most special & amazing sets i've ever witnessed. The setlist was pretty much perfection.
Note, the above setlist i took a photo of is actually slightly wrong as they changed it a little during the set & added an encore (not planned).
So the setlist really ran something like this (* denotes not sure on the order):
Peter on his own:
Devils waiting
fault line
complicated situation
Peter, Roc & Nick:
Weight of the world
love burns
shuffle your feet
ain't no easy way
*US Gov
*Still Suspicioun Holds You tight
*Sympathetic noose
The Line
Resless Sinner
Peter on his own:
El Paso (he fucked the words up on this)
Rob on his own:
Lonesome Death
ENCORE (full band)
Spread your love
Punk Song
Heart & Soul
highlights for me were salvation & punk song... strangely, before the gig i was hoping they'd play those two acoustic & they did & of course they were magnificant
there was a fair bit of banter between peter & rob on stage, it's good to see!
complicated situation - sure enough Peter did the harmonica in the start, but the last part he did the tune with his voice aint heard that version for a while.
Spread Your Love - well, this was their first real unplanned song as it was in their (unplanned) encore - anyway, something about maybe the uptempo-ness of the song & the guitars they chose (electro-acoustic i think?) that took the roof off the place, all of a sudden everyone started jumping & dancing more which was brilliant. Peter even played the harmonica part on it too that i'm sure i aint ever heard before.
dont remember which song, one of the new ones & it was towards the end of the gig, peter was sitting down at the time.... peter finished playing the guitar one round of chords early hehehe, he let out a wee smile
Posted Thursday, February 22, 2007 am28 at 8:34am