June 19, 2005

Concorde 2

Brighton UK

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amurden, bengraham, blackrebel, brewer07, brmcut, Dani, donniebrasco69, elpunko, Griff, JamesGarrard, Julia, lisajayne, Phaedra, pilgrim, psychedelicgirl, redshedlive, Rothko, Saskia, sitonka

JamesGarrard says0 Votes UP / DOWN
This was the third time Ive seen BRMC, probably my fav band, & they jus keep gettin better. This set was great, especially loved the opening. Also, had never seen rifles before live, which was an absolute bonus.
These guys are pure, filthy, class.
Posted Tuesday, December 13, 2005 am31 at 7:52am
Griff says0 Votes UP / DOWN
First time i ever saw BRMC after admiring them for years, when they came out on stage i didnt quite belive it, the atmosphere was pumping and the temperature was boiling (it got so hot the doors had to be opened, allowing people on the street to look in)

They all came out on stage, (robert came out with a lightsaber) which got a few laughs. They then proceed to play new songs at the time aint no easy way and shuffle your feet before launching into a brutal attack of the old songs before playing a reworked U.S. goverment.

The show finished with heart and soul which never seemed to end, robert was going crazy on his bass before gently saying "see you guys soon" to a massive reception and walking off with the rest of the band backstage.

All in all a top quality gig, we missed our last train back but it was all worth it.

And BRMC would indeed see me again soon, 3 more times in that year.

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