October 25, 2005
Munich DE
Complicated Situation
Fault Line
Devil's Waitin'
Shuffle Your Feet
Ain't No Easy Way
Love Burns
White Palms
Punk Song
As Sure As The Sun
Weight Of The World
Six Barrel Shotgun
Still Suspicion Holds You Tight
Sympathetic Noose
Spread Your Love
Gospel Song
The Line
Open Invitation
Members at this show:
anatomietitus, bigj, bluegit, brmc3, Ferdifranz, Franz, graham, junkmusic, kevstaar, kuschel, LoveBurns, moidl, Munichrebel, musician, Musikmeisterin, Nina_L, OpiumRebel, rocki, sapporoa, tobae, toronto1000, volt, woyzeck, yoshimi
brmc3 says0 Votes UP / DOWN
the show was amazing yesterday. I've also got one of nick's sticks..
thank you very much for that concert, you guys are beautiful!!!
Posted Wednesday, October 26, 2005 am31 at 3:02am
Nina_L says0 Votes UP / DOWN
Thank god (and B.R.M.C.), for this gorgeous show. I would say, that it was even better than in 2003.....
Posted Thursday, October 27, 2005 pm31 at 2:17pm
yoshimi says0 Votes UP / DOWN
thank you very very much for the fab show!
the temper was excellent especially when they played some old songs.
the new ones sounded live even better than on the record!!
Posted Saturday, October 29, 2005 am31 at 12:22am
moidl says0 Votes UP / DOWN
thank youuu brmc for that great show! it was better than good! absolutly great!!! hope i'll see such a fab concert again soon!
Posted Monday, October 31, 2005 pm31 at 1:27pm