March 27, 2010
First Avenue
Minneapolis MN US
War Machine
Mama Taught Me Better
Love Burns
Red Eyes and Tears
Bad Blood
Beat the Devil's Tattoo
Weapon of Choice
Annabel Lee
Ain't No Easy Way
Whatever Happened to My Rock and Roll
Visions of Johanna (Robert acoustic)
the Toll (Peter Acoustic)
Shuffle Your Feet
Conscience Killer
6 Barrel Shotgun
Spread Your Love
666 Conducer
Shadow's Keeper
Open Invitation
Members at this show:
David, paranoidmouse,Photos:
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alliezabu, dale, defsmurf, headuphigh, jeremyers, jodio, jwilli84, kubiki, kweebs, Leigh, m0onlightdrive, mattporath, Michele, nhunter23, paranoidmouse, purefrost, rocinante19, slaa, starsail, teinte