March 14, 2006
Henry Fonda Theatre
Los Angeles CA US
Grind My Bones
Fault Line
Restless Sinner
Shuffle Your Feet
Aint No Easy Way
Love Burns
White Palms
Weight of the World
Sympathetic Noose
Gospel Song
Shade of Blue
Spread Your Love
Punk Song
Devils Waitin
The Line
Heart + Soul
Open Invitation
Members at this show:
alexander-l, Alex_Kidd, ambsace, birdie, blackrebel66, chripage, Dana, danno, dianemarie, dubmob, emanbeardo, Faolan, gish127sp, Juvenio, killertrashed, lbjen, LSK, luliaQ, mattredman, memento_mori_ri, MilkyPizza, nellee, Neverwhere, nightmaresbythesea, psemel, psycocandy, REM_Monster, Rickchick, scopitone, sekundur, sergeius, squirrel81, superfly_ww, susckacr, tuffgnarly, uglyroman, venta4420
MilkyPizza says0 Votes UP / DOWN
This show was really great! The guys were totally into playing and they seemed totally happy to be there. The morning after girls were way cool as well. Elefant cracked me up because Diego thought he was Jesus or something. Thanks to all the friendly people at the show. It was cool that there were actual BRMC fans at the show and not just stupid Elefant-loving hipsters. Anywho, the guys played a really great set and they played two of my favorite b-sides, "High/Low" and "Mercy." My sister and I met Sacha from the morning after girls and he was such a sweetheart. He got us in backstage and we got to meet Robert and Peter. So, all in all, it was one amazing night. If you haven't already bought HOWL (I don't know why you wouldn't), get it. It's an incredible album and also get the morning after girls' eps 1&2. They're awesome. Good luck to all the guys with the rest of the tour and to all those who are going to the other shows, have fun. Long live BRMC!
Posted Wednesday, March 15, 2006 am31 at 11:38am
dandynoel says0 Votes UP / DOWN
You guys were sooo great last night. Salvation was a pleasant surprise.
thanks for keeping your music real. D
Posted Wednesday, March 15, 2006 pm31 at 1:18pm
ambsace says0 Votes UP / DOWN
unsurprisingly, well worth the trip.
Posted Thursday, March 16, 2006 pm31 at 12:43pm
superfly_ww says0 Votes UP / DOWN
This might have been the best BRMC show of all time!!!!
Posted Friday, June 23, 2006 pm30 at 7:22pm