December 14, 2010
Mandela Hall
Belfast UK
Members at this show:
PeteW44, whiskeydrinker, SuperJohnny, bigreddave, jodijay333,Photos:
- PeteW44
- PeteW44
- PeteW44
- PeteW44
- PeteW44
aneta_antos, Arizona, beatnik69, blackrebelbaby, Bogusia, CarolB, Dani, Dude, Eloo, jodi, keats, LadyFlame, Michele, SlaveGarden, SollyDarling, stargirl, SuperJohnny, Tammym, tramp
adyFlame says0 Votes UP / DOWN
14th December 2010 is likely to go down as one of the best days of my life as I got not one but two chances to see the greatest band on the planet: BRMC!
I found out about two weeks beforehand that they were doing an in-store in the new Head music shop in the Victoria Square shopping centre. I was really excited when I heard about it but, as normally happens to me when the Rebels are due to come to Belfast, I was also kinda worried about whether I'd get in or not. So on the day, I got to Head at about 1:30 so that I'd be there in time for the start of the set at 3:00. While I was waiting behind the barriers, I got chatting to a guy who recognised me from the photo I got taken with Pete last time the band were in town - I guess he'd seen it on Facebook or somewhere. He very kindly allowed me to go in front of him so that I'd be at the very front; I never got your name, mate, but if you're reading this, thank you very much!
At about 3:00, the band finally arrived. Rob and Leah were there but Pete was nowhere to be seen! When they finally got set up, Rob explained that Pete wasn't well, so he wouldn't be there. I was a bit disappointed but I needn't have worried because the set still turned out great, with people shouting requests and happy faces everywhere. At one point Rob asked the security bods to take the barrier away so that people could sit closer, which I thought was a really nice touch. The setlist ran as follows:
Wild One
Weight Of The World
Bad Blood
Rifles (I was so happy to hear this one!)
Sympathetic Noose
Beat The Devil’s Tattoo
After the set, there was a signing session where you could also get pictures taken. I got ones with Rob and Leah and chatted to them both, which was a real highlight. Definitely one of the coolest things that's happened to me this year! They signed my copy of BTDT as well. Also, it was brilliant to meet so many people from the forum: Stargirl, Mich, Jodi and Julia all turned up. Shame I couldn't get talking to you all properly but it was great to see you anyway!
I then headed home and got ready for the night-time gig. My friend who was supposed to go with me couldn't make it in the end, so my sister came with me instead. We made it down to the Mandela Hall about ten minutes before the Rebels came on. With Pete not being well, I was wondering whether he'd be able to do the gig; I was so happy when he appeared on stage! At first he looked like he was about to collapse but fair play to him, he carried on and actually seemed to get better during the night - that's the power of music for you! I was surprised and pleased at how good the mix of tunes was; it was a really good spread across all the albums. The setlist ran:
666 Conducer
Bad Blood
Red Eyes & Tears (with reprise)
Beat The Devil's Tattoo
Long Way Down
Ain't No Easy Way
Mama Taught Me Better
Whatever Happened To My Rock 'n Roll (Punk Song)
Dirty Old Town (this got one of the best receptions of the night)
The Line
Conscience Killer
Six Barrel Shotgun
Spread Your Love
Shadow's Keeper
Open Invitation
Throughout the whole thing I kept trying to get photos but my camera wasn't much use in the dark and during Half-State the battery ran out on me! (That's why my pics aren't great; sorry, guys!) Anyway, the end came around too soon (as usual) but they finished with the most beautiful version of Open Invitation I've ever heard; I'm sure it touched a lot of hearts. C'mon Rebels, how about putting it out as a New Year's download? Pretty please? :)
To sum up, it was a Christmas cracker (er, sorry!) and here's hoping we won't have to wait another three years for the next one!
P.S. Special thanks to Jodi for the two setlists; you're a star!