February 08, 2006
Chicago IL US
Restless Sinner
Ain't No Easy Way
Shuffle Your Feet
Love Burns
In Like The Rose
Six Barrel Shotgun
Punk Song
Weight Of The World
Sympathetic Noose
High / Low
Red Eyes And Tears
Spread Your Love
The Line
Heart + Soul
Members at this show:
porcupiny, starsail,Photos:
brooklynroshian, cait, digsynova, djnailz79, eeorrahh, eye_v, FABIANART, heart_and_soul, jono0415, kenrock, kmmccorm, ledzep77, mich, Milkmanmelvin, missninakim, Mort24, Natasha_K, pauper, pookster34, porcupiny, skeyes, starsail, teresak, toleson, wtbuser
digsynova says0 Votes UP / DOWN
This show was great. The Morning After Girls and Elephant were excellent and BRMC (as always) rocked my world. I can't get over how amazing the bass is in every song. The audience's energy was a little low, but I was rockin in the front row with the mini fro!
Well hope to see BRMC at the Metro again soon.
Posted Wednesday, February 8, 2006 pm28 at 11:20pm
missninakim says0 Votes UP / DOWN
Peter stole my heart. The new look is hot. He was making love to his guitar... and it was a bit ridiculous. However, I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.
Posted Thursday, February 9, 2006 am28 at 3:17am
kmmccorm says+1 Votes UP / DOWN
Kick ass show ... I knew the material from Howl would hold up well, but I was surprised how much the earlier stuff kicked ass in a live setting, even if the crowd wasn't quite as into it. It was still an enthusiastic crowd and Metro was totally sold out well before the doors even opened. I don't have a setlist or anything but I'd like to see one if anyone has a rough idea.
One other thing ... the WXRT guy who introduced the show said that they were recording it for later broadcast, so keep an eye out for that!
Posted Thursday, February 9, 2006 am28 at 9:00am
skeyes says+1 Votes UP / DOWN
Great show. Maybe better than the one there in September. A lot of people, but they weren't to "into it." The guys sounded great, and it was LOUD. Very loud, my ears are still ringing some. The setlist was awesome (they didn't play Salvation, dammit), and Sympathetic Noose is probably the best song ever live. The bear running across stage and Robert forgetting the words to The Line were cool moments. Can't wait til they come back through. Hope Peter's feeling better.
Posted Thursday, February 9, 2006 pm28 at 1:59pm
porcupiny says+1 Votes UP / DOWN
The Morning After Girls were good spacey droney psychedelic rock. Totally cool and they sounded a but like the Dandy Warhols and even a bit like Spiritualized. They played rocking and spaced out songs equally well.
Elefant were a bit of a one trick pony. All their songs sounded kind of the same. Diego, the singer, was funny because he seemed cocky scoping out the audience for cute girls. He was entertaining when he fell off the stage and made some guy sing. Then, near the end of their set, he held a girl in the front row's hand for awhile. As attractive as he is, the way he went about strutting and kneeling on stage was quite silly. Still, it was entertaining!
B.R.M.C. were announced as a sold out show being broadcasted on a local radio station. The announcement made about the Grammys awarding the worst music was too true. The show began with just Peter playing "Restless Sinner" and later joined by Spike, Robert, and Nick. Peter had his hair slicked back, but still curly. The rest of the set flowed well with "Shuffle Your Feet" getting the audience to clap and sing along. "Ain't No Easy Way" showed off Peter and Robert's ever improving slide guitar playing and moved the crowd even more.
"Howl" slowed things down a bit with Robert's emotive vocals and Peter's falsetto chorus. "Love Burns" picked up the momentum again with more people recognizing the song. Highlights for me included "Awake," "In Like The Rose," and "Six Barrel Shotgun," which were all amazing to see live. "Whatever Happened to My Rock n' Roll?" was great as usual with Robert and Peter switching microphones and finishing on the opposite of their usual sides.
In between one song, Peter introduced his guitar tech Dave, who came out in a bear costume during the next song! This really made Robert smile more than Peter, who barely reacted to it. Next, Robert sang a block of songs "Stop," "Weight of the World," "Promise," "Sympathetic Noose," "Gospel Song," and "High/Low," which made me excited since I had never seen it done live before. I love the distortion that Peter does with his guitar and Robert's vocals on that song.
"Red Eyes and Tears" is always a treat to hear and "Spread Your Love" was great despite a false start. For the encore, Robert came out alone and announced that Peter wasn't feeling well and proceeded to play "Mercy" on Peter's acoustic guitar. It was a beautiful version of the song. They ended the show with "The Line" which Robert had to restart after forgetting some lyrics, "Rifles" which is always a crowd pleaser, and "Heart and Soul" which was a cool as I thought it would be to see and ended in plenty of noise and distortion.
After the show, Elefant had a pizza and beer after party/DJ set. I met Michael Been who recognized me from the Tour Archive! He was nice and told me about how he grew up in Chicago. After that, I spoke briefly with Robert not getting my camera into the show despite it being somewhat crappy. Outside the venue, Robert got into a snowball fight with the Morning After Girls. That was pretty funny!
Posted Thursday, February 9, 2006 pm28 at 5:30pm
mich says+1 Votes UP / DOWN
February 8th began with me debating whether or not I should continue this trip. I'd spent a good portion of the last evening in a ditch at the Minnesota/Iowa border, and I wondered if that was a sign of bad things to come.
However, after arriving in Chicago and seeing MAG perform, I knew I'd made the right decision. They are just as good live as they are on the album.
Elefant surprised me. They didn't quite fit. I don't know if it was the fact I'd never really heard their music or that Diego fell on me soon after the set started, but I wasn't digging them. We were, however, more than a little amused by Diego's staring contests and the over abundance of new songs.
BRMC's set was amazing. I don't really remember much of it now as all 4 gigs are blending together, but I do remember thinking, "I'm so glad I made it."
Despite the fact that the past tour was also for Howl, this one was filled much more with older tracks as well. I thorougly enjoyed the addition of Rifles and Heart + Soul.
The bear costume was definitely the non-musical highlight of the set.
When Robert came out with his acoustic guitar near the end, I knew he was going to play "Mercy." I actually yelled "Play Mercy!" and a couple of fans joined me. When I heard the first few chords, my heart skipped a beat. That song is the most beautiful song by BRMC (or any band, in my opinion) to date.
After the show, we used our Elefant aftershow passes. Never pass up free pizza and beer. The party was nice, but the MAG/BRMC snowball fight definitely trumped all.
Posted Saturday, February 18, 2006 pm28 at 1:04pm