June 23, 2008


Amsterdam NL

Members at this show:

Alioli, BlackSof, Paula,


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3_LIBRAS, alexlawson, alioli, amelie, antimatterman12, antish39, Arizona, atsn, a_song_away, Bartpeterpan, Belinda, Bjorn, blackheart, blackrebel75, blackrebelbaby, BlackSof, blowup, BRMC37, burnbabyburn, carleenpower, Chloe, Claud, crankshaft, crotty32, Dani, davyc_1976, DirtySweet, DrAvalanche, Dvorak, Echoes, Echolls, Eleanor, Elwood83, emily, firecracker, fleurrr, floval, flyingdutchman, FreddyLie, fuckinole, Geronimojonah, Griff, hallman, hefsnack, hoppy78, IndiepoprockJesse, Julia, JuneCarter, Kimmo, Kirsty, Kurtnovells, LadyGodiva, lasolita, lazyfukc, loes, lou11, Lulla, LydiaDesDolles, Machi, Mart, mika_nikkai, mins, MissMingus, MissSupersonic, Mizh, mltjew, Moon_palace, Nabiah, ned1971, neilmainline, Nenni, Nicki_Napalm, NikeB, nleh, Noblesse, northcountryboy, oceanchild, Octopus, odieu, Oldskool_Child, Paradisogirl, paula_abroad, Peterberry, phawful, pigletface, pussymussy, queenie, raponsel, Rehve, remi, RobertL, Rockingdk, rok-n-rol, rolf-brmc, saazoo, Sabby, sannebla, Scarecrow, Scenedamage, shaden8778, shadybell22, shakeheartbreak, So4, stampy, starsgoblue, Steffie, sunchild, Tammym, thanx, thedude122, themildone, thepassenger, Tiny_Dancer, tnicholson1, TooHotToHandle, tramp, trashcangirl, tyz, vinzyvinz, VLA, VoodooChild, wanderoo, WANTed, Wous

rok-n-rol says 0 Votes UP / DOWN
What a fucking awesome show! This one's definitely in my top 3 all-time favorites. The guys played for 2,5 hours(!) and they seemed to be enjoying themselves. At some point Peter did two acoustic songs by himself as Robert left the stage(they were covers, haven't figured out what songs yet), after which Pete left the stage and Rob came on and then he played Mercy and a song I don't remember right now. He was sitting on a monitor right in front of me, I could've stolen his guitar.. ;)
What also impressed me was that they played 3 songs from the HOWL Sessions: Mercy, Pretend and Steal a Ride. All of them really cool.
Afterwards Rob's dad (Michael) gave me one of their personalized (i.e. the ones with the BRMC logo) guitar picks, which ultimately made my night.
All in all one of the best shows ever! Go see them soon! ;)

p.s. the Brothers Movement, the opening band, was also really good. Check them out.

p.p.s. the girl drummer standing in for Nick was pretty great, especially considering the time she's been playing with them.

Posted Tuesday, June 24, 2008 am30 at 2:50am
Echoes says +3 Votes UP / DOWN
Great great show! They played about 2,5 hours! They also played a lot of songs from the first album and some b-sides from the Howl sessions. Very cool, nice acoustic songs.

Posted Tuesday, June 24, 2008 am30 at 9:52am
amelie says +5 Votes UP / DOWN
I loved Pretend, Steal a Ride and Salvation (Leah was great in this one) it was a good show, my last one for a longlong time xx

Posted Tuesday, June 24, 2008 am30 at 10:35am
amelie says+5 Votes UP / DOWN
I loved Pretend, Steal a Ride and Salvation (Leah was great in this one) it was a good show, according to me, that last one for a longlong time xx

Posted Tuesday, June 24, 2008 am30 at 10:35am
Kurtnovells says+10 Votes UP / DOWN

666 Conducer
Ain't no easy way
White palms
Red eyes
6 Barrel
Devils waiting
Cool water
River Styx
Need some air
Sure as the sun
American X
Punk Song

All you do is talk
Took out a loan
Steal a ride
Spread your love

Posted Tuesday, June 24, 2008 am30 at 11:47am
paula_abroad says +24 Votes UP / DOWN
what is it about the paradiso...?
such a brilliant gig... starting out with the now almost regular '666 conducer' - that set the mood to *no frills/sweaty/sultry rock n roll* straightaway.
26 songs or so... another long set, *just* one encore (inside) but a long one. a lot of fave tunes, an entirely new song (from peter, acc.), 'need some air', 'white palms'... (well, see the setlist posted above)

a few personal highlights:

red eyes and tears (great intro from pete! generally... he was having a lot of fun with his effects pedals that night... i can tell, cos i was inches away from his feet :grin:)

salvation (utterly wonderful! paradiso provided the perfect backdrop for this one, great drumming from leah)

heart&soul (breathtaking, but i like it lower down the setlist, i think. it peaks too early and it feels like they're a little spent after it. maybe also the only song i don't really like leah's drumming on much - her timing's too precise, the tempo change in the crescendo is too noteable, but i'm not complaining she's totally fab on everything else)

pete acc.:
fine way to lose (heartbreaking - and a bit of a hefty/sudden change in mood after heart and soul)
'the toll' (?)) (the new one, very touching, very personal, and the lyrics really hit home. i want this recorded!)

robert acc.:
mercy (he came over to pete's side, bent down the mic, kicked a monitor a bit, so that he could sit on it comfortably on the edge of the stage, then started to play. wonderful rendition, very heartfelt.)

howl (tear-jerkingly beautiful!)

river styx (oh HECK yes, that one's really grown on me. it gets better and better the more often i hear it. a lot of bottled up anger and ferocity in it)

need some air (played too rarely, it's made for live, turn up pete's vox next time though, the 'oh oh ohhs' are important too, right?)

american x (where robert almost killed his guitar and sang random lines from his lyrics in random order ;))

with what the crowd being a bit calm during songs (the cheers were loud in between though) i was worried a bit about an encore - but lo and behold...:

pretend (no f*** ups this time, it has been played a couple of times now, since i heard it the first time ever(?) in essen the week before)

all you do is talk (lovely, t'was funny to see peter chuck away the bow he's playing on the guitar in the intro, almost angry. he forgot a lot of his lyrics in this one, it cracked him up. i assume there have been - umn... smokes backstage during the pause? there were a lot of conspirative smiles)

steal a ride (always a treat, leah's drumming was SPOT ON)

spread your love (fab fab fab set closer, leaves people wanting more though)

*one of my fave moments of the night - when peter was done with his two acc. songs and walked off for robert's turn, they passed each other onstage and rob kind of stopped him with his arm around his waist and they hugged. and it was not one of those laddish 'pat on the back, well done' hugs, but more one of those understanding ones, where you give as much as you receive - know what i mean? i can't put it very well, it was a good hug. :) it seemed to give the song that pete just had sung even more depth too. but maybe that's just me.

i never know what to do really during a brmc gig, close my eyes and just lose myself in sound, or marvel at robert's stage antics, how he's always almost fighting up there, with his instruments, the songs... they jerk him around. love the tension.
or gaze at pete's wizard-like guitar playing, or the way the music is pulsating through him, the concentration... they seem to become totally one with the music. to a point where it almost doesn't matter if anyone's there, watching. all a bit overwhelming really. i never seem to be able to process it at once, feels like i need three brains and seven more senses to take it all in properly.
or the chemistry... how they feed of each other. leah's doing a great great job - just in the band for a few weeks, but they all seem really comfortable. i loved her attentive looks, when either peter or robert were improvising, how she kinda peeked below her cymbals, watching, being in tune with what was going on. an excellent and powerful drummer, she's confident and keen, really a wonderful addition to the band.
anyway. they seemed to have as much fun as we had. ;) and then some.
after what felt like an endless (in a good way) 2 hrs+ performance and after some more beers at the paradiso bar - happy faces... excited chatter... it was time to go outside and find out if the band was up for even more...
and it seems, word had gotten around about the possibility of a street encore, cos the parking lot next to the paradiso was pretty packed.
a moment later, a sudden surge towards the bus and there was robert, playing 'dirty old town', circled by folks, singing along. two or so more songs ('visions of johanna' and 'mercy' i think), then he passed the guitar over people's heads to pete, who sat on the stairs inside the bus, chatting away and smoking and watching. for a second he playfully retreated inside, claiming he didn't want to, then he came out and played a wonderful sloppy version of 'love me tender' :), also 'faultline', then returned to his spot on the stairs again, gave the guitar to a guy next to him, (i've played so much today, now it's your turn') who started to improvise a bit on 'steal a ride'
- aside from too many people gathering (i KNOW, i'm one of them... *sigh*) and the nonstop stupid flashlights in their faces, it was a great atmosphere... there was one more song with that guy on guitar (couldn't seem him properly, one of the tbm guys?)- 'love burns', pete singing. then the busdriver shushed us away from the bus and tourmanagement tried to end the session with a slightly stern: 'come on guys hand over the guitar, get on the bus and save your voices!' an advice which robert blissfully ignored, smiling sweetly. instead he just stepped away from the bus a bit and played two more songs ('not what you wanted' and 'mercy' again.) t'was super lovely. and very much appreciated.
even after the guitars had all been loaded in, still noone really wanted to leave, people just hung around, til the band(s) eventually took off for some more jolly amusement somewhere else down the streets of amsterdam.

glorious, unforgetable evening. thanks for all. i'm so glad i know about this band.

sorry, this got a bit rambly.

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