November 10, 2005


Berlin DE

Complicated Situation
Fault Line
Devil's Waitin'
Shuffle Your Feet
Ain't No Easy Way
Love Burns
White Palms
Punk Song
As Sure As The Sun
Weight Of The World
Rise Or Fall
Red Eyes And Tears
Six Barrel Shotgun
Still Suspicion Holds You Tight
Sympathetic Noose

Spread Your Love
Gospel Song
The Line
Heart + Soul
Open Invitation

Members at this show:


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astrid, Blues, coelaire, Cynthia-Marie, Dalya, Dani, Dvorak, egolego, Eve, exit9, fafah, Gates, ImNotPaulWeller, itkillsyou, Julia, kfas, Kiami, kokett, kri_m, kuhln, LaCigarette, liesbeth, mika_nikkai, NovaBand, PepeUseless, Rabea, rainbowchild, Rerun666, ridicule, rocknrollsuicide, spreepirat, szykut, tata_Tone, themildone, villain, wercia, zgrzyt

Rerun666 says-1 Votes UP / DOWN
I just came home from the show and have to say that it was great! Absolutely awesome and very different from the show in 2003.

Different as well in some annoying aspects:
- The venue was nice but the actual concert hall sucked, as it was smaller and difficult to see the band from everywhere.
- I guess the show was almost sold out, but I think it was only about 600-700 people. In 2003 they had more people, and the venue was well chosen as it wasn’t that packed full there and the hall was just better.
- But the most annoying problem was the sound. All the show through they had a terrible sound. Really blurry and at some point just strepitous, which sucked. (Gliss, the special guest, had the same problems and where kinda pissed because of that as they told me later at the merchandising table)

Anyway, during the faster stuff the crowd went crazy and freaked out, and I liked it, as I missed that a little bit in 2003. The atmosphere was amazing during these songs, and the audience really did a great job. On the other side they couldn’t really handle the new and slower stuff, even though everybody liked Peters “solo show� in the beginning.
Me too, but I think anyway that the new songs fit really well in the show, and they did a fine mixture of the old and the new songs.

They played almost 2 hours (including one encore) and after the show Peter showed up at the stage and signed my “Howl� CD and talked to me a little bit.
Unfortunately an older couple (somewhat 40 to 50) interrupted me and tried to convince Peter that they know each other, talked some shit and wanted him to invite to party or somewhat.
Don’t know if they were successful ;-)

Besides the ‘problems’ it was just an overwhelming show. They still know how to rock and as Robert said “It’s good to be back�, I just can agree on that.

Posted Thursday, November 10, 2005 pm30 at 4:59pm
fafah says0 Votes UP / DOWN
well i agree with what's been said above but i think the sound was quite good !
Much better than The Rakes @ Tempodrom last thursday, for instance.
The audience was packed and there was a lot of pogo and that was very cool, the boys played so good; it was my first BRMC gig but i'll remember of it all my life.
it was.. ASTONISHING !
the mix with Howl's songs and the older ones was very good, it was all sweet and cheese.
i wasn't a true big BRMC fan, now I am.
marvellous show
Posted Friday, November 11, 2005 am30 at 6:20am
zgrzyt says+1 Votes UP / DOWN
Oh my God I can’ t belive it, I’ve never been this far away from, no I ‘ve been but I never had to went abroad on concert. It was my first time, but what you can’t do for your best band? Anyway it was worth! First thing that was surprising me was fact I met so many people from my country – Poland, that went from Poland special for this band as I (but I know that three of them were special for the support Gliss, which was great because now I know that people still looking for new band even then when this band isn’t famous yet. Cheers for you girls and your rock’n’roll dad. I’m waiting for your fotos ;D). I was at 11 a.m in Berlin and cocert was start at 9 p.m and I knew that Weronika (Wercia) will come abaut 4 p.m. I was alone so what could I had done? I decided to walking around and I saw a Berlin’s Wall and Japanise people shot a fotos.
When Wercia arrived we went to the place (parking?, square?) front of the club. We sit around on a parapet near by buss of the band and sudenlly from behind the buss went out Peter. I don’t know why we didn’t call him – maybe we were in shock and it was so unreal? I don’t know...
About 5 p.m. we met a girl and a boy from Wroclaw (city in Poland). She said, that she recognize that we are from Poland because I had a backpack which is very popular among rock’n’roll people in our contry and it’s call “kostka�. Yeah! And they said taht they are with three other people from Poland and Wercia and I were waiting for two guys that had arrived from Warsaw. So we knew that about 9 Polish fans will be on the show. In quantity – strong (if you know what I mean ;P ). And it isn’t the end – we met two guys from Slubice with Polish beer “Lech� (“na zdrowie!� guys :D ) and the girls with theirs rock’n’roll dad. It wasn’t a big concert and we met so many people from Poland and I’m sure that it wasn’t the end, we could’t met everyone, that I’m sure. So if somebody told me that BRMC don’t have here any fans and nobody knows them I will eat this person for my breakfest and the bones I will give my cat! J J J
And finally something about the concert. I will not originally if i say that concert was graet! Wercia and I stand in front of Robert and we could had our eyes on everyone from the band. It was great. And the songs were that good chose...we can dance, we can headbang (he, he), we could shuflle our feet J. There was everything – joy and sorrow, swaet and tears, seriousness and youthful madness and of course respect and adoration wafted from the fans to the band and from the band to the fans. It was spiritual experience... The gig was long but for fans of course too short. We gave everything for us, I was so tired and wet when concert was end. Thanks, I will never forget this concert! Wercia got a setlist (lucky girl J) but we couldn’t stay after the gig, because we got back to home with two guys from Warsaw and they were in a hurry to theirs job (they are musicians too). So we don’t have any autograph, maybe next time (I hope in Poland). I bought HOWL (shame on me that I didn’t have this CD) and we moved to a long way back to home...
And what have left for me? My memories, ticket, some fotos, songs which I collect now completly diffrent – now they are whole for me, and hope that we will see BRMC in Poland soon...


Ps1. Thanks Adam (Szakal) for happy way back to home and graet music in your car (specially thanks for BRMC). I’m lookin forward to see you on Polish forum of BRMC.

Ps2. Sorry for my Engilish. I hope that You understood something J.

Posted Friday, November 11, 2005 am30 at 9:22am
Blues says0 Votes UP / DOWN
hmm well it was awhile ago but all i can say is that this always sticks in my mind....
i arrive in Berlin early in the morning from Hamburg spent most of the morning reliseing that i cannot walk anywhere easily. i i wandered around the place in a dazy (no sleep for 2 days.....) found the venue... security was tight.... nice venue with couches... i hung around.. not caring to be at the front... was going to mosh anyway.....

and man was it amazing mosh pit...!!!!!!

although i think some people stared at me dancing to the howl songs..

but it was great.. other than Spike laughing at me in the mosh pit.....

they were leaving early for Holland Thank god.... i would have a 2 day break before sweden

oh and Nick sat under a table for 2 hours after the show... i missed the fireworks....
Posted Monday, July 3, 2006 pm31 at 3:39pm

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