June 16, 2008


Essen DE

Members at this show:

BlackSof, Paula,


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3_LIBRAS, birth10, blackrebel75, BlackSof, blowup, Bogusia, BRMConne, Cinnamon, daysleeper, Echolls, Eleanor, freak_of_nature, fuckinole, guitarero, halloweenhead, janito, jaymo99, JuneCarter, Kirsty, Lady_Astaroth, Laklitzi, lazyfukc, LizRocks, Machi, mermags21, mins, MissSupersonic, moejoe, Nabiah, Nenni, nevven, Nicki_Napalm, nika, nisse, Norina, paula_abroad, phawful, Scenedamage, SebsRifles, shaden8778, starsgoblue, summeroflove, tric-Rebel

SebsRifles says+3 Votes UP / DOWN
simply great concert it was...
a set list filled with nice surprises.
"pretend" had its first live appearence in a setlist (Roberts words). two new songs also included in the set. thanks for leah! without her it would not have been possible to see them again since november in cologne.
hopefully you won't leave us waiting that long until new concerts in europe come up, brmc!

a personal thank you for playing heart+soul... my most favourite of yours!
Posted Wednesday, June 18, 2008 am30 at 12:06am
tric-Rebel says+7 Votes UP / DOWN
Hey everybody out there!

Arrived at home a few minutes ago, coming from the fantastic rebel-show in Essen.

Everybody who prefered the match of the german soccer-nationalteam against austria this night had made a BIG mistake. The gig in the Weststadthalle was awesome, brillant, gigantic. Like every BRMC-show I've seen before.

About 400 people were around. Start:
9 p.m.

First song was 666 Conducer, followed by Berlin, Weapon Of Choice, Ain't No Easy Way and Stop. Peter was smoking all the time. It seems that he, Rob and Leah (good work on the drums) enjoyed the show from the first moment.

The crowd jumped around when the boys in black played Six Barrel Shotgun. Peter and Rob have some solo-parts. Peter in a small unplugged-session with Fault Line an a new song called A Fine Way To Lose. Playing this song the german soccer-team scored the goal for their 1:0-victory. Some in the crowed were yelling after getting the news via sms. Peter stops, asks for the result and told it everybody in the venue over the mikrophone. Big applause! And after that the second try of A Fine Way To Lose!

After that Rob was alone on stage playing Pretend - he said it was the first time ever live.

End of part one after 100 minutes. Encore: Took Out A Loan, Spread Your Love (The most intensive song this evening) and for the great final: All You Do Is Talk. Nearly two ours of dirty an enthusiastic rock.

Unforgetable again.

Twice as good as the soccer-match (that I watch on video-tape while writing these lines).

Have a lot fun and another tarrific night tomorrow in Dresden (a wonderful city, called "venice of the east", don't forget to take a look around).
Tomorrow I will post more stuff from the show in Essen.

Good night! Hope to see the rebels soon again in Germany...

P.S. Links to a review of this gig and an interview (in german language) in a newspaper:


Posted Wednesday, June 18, 2008 am30 at 7:06am
jaymo99 says+2 Votes UP / DOWN
Ahhh Essen, My first time to this venue, strange place. really wide but not very deep. Most times venues like this the sound get back to the band (slapback) and causes problems. but oh no not this night. B.R.M.C. hit the stage and we are off. Ive see these guys so many times and this gig by far was one of the best. Leah was sooo in the groove and i think that made all the difference ( love Nick , but sometimes Nick is in nick world and not in BRMC). Hope Leah sticks around. rest of the set seemed way to short, but thats the way it goes with BRMC shows they can play for hours and ya still want more. and Essen gig id love to have forever. Also the star curtain at the end was fucking gorgeous!!!!!!
Posted Wednesday, July 2, 2008 am31 at 11:10am
guitarero says+3 Votes UP / DOWN
There is nothing to say about that show except for that it was the greatest and best experience with music in my whole life!
I saw the guys before but the show in essen overcame everything.
Pure rock �n� roll!!!

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