December 08, 2007


Coventry UK

Members at this show:

whiskeydrinker, nutteronabus,


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Arizona, betsybutton, blackrebel75, BlueTwin, brmcut, chrismalkin, Cosmo13, CrazyDiamond, Damole, Dani, DirtySweet, Discogod, Dvorak, elliecat, Euphony, fogster, hoppy78, jess, JoeRock, Julia, KevinK, kuhln, lazyfukc, LisaB-RMC, lois, lou11, michelle81, NikeB, nutteronabus, pigletface, pilgrim, pussymussy, Rebel_In_Black, rien, Ringo, RoyScat, scaswell, sekundur, Six_Barrel_Wes, snowdrop, starsgoblue, Tammym, Tcx, THE_PiNCH, Timsky, tramp, two-headed-boy, zlattes, zoepibble

LisaB-RMC says+11 Votes UP / DOWN
What an amazing show. I saw them at the Carling Academy in Oxford last month, but this show by far had more energy.

My friend and I we standing right in front of Robert, who kept coming out towards the crowd throughout the whole gig. It was quite special to see someone play the bass up close, he is amazing.

Our highlight (although probably not Robert's) was when he tripped and fell, only to be caught by myself and my friend. We were trying to hold him up while someone untangled the guitar and microphone from him. He was a pure professional and stood in front of us playing, while a girl behind me held the mic so he could sing. I had his guitar right in my face, how my closer can you get? Although I have a BRMC injury, Robert dropped his bass on my hand - ouch! I spent the rest of the time dodging from getting a bass in my face. I never knew musicians could be so life threatening!!

It was nice to see Nick looking a lot better, he had to 'rest' half way through the Oxford gig as he was ill, so it was a lot more acoustic. Pete as always is the true prosessional and plays with such ease.

All in all a fantastic show, I'm still buzzing (hand is still sore!)and I managed to secure Robert's set list, as follows:

Weapon of Choice
Rise of Fall
666 Conducer
Aint No Easy Way
Spread You Love
Red Eyes
Hattie Carroll
Devil's Waiting
Weight of The World
Need Some Air
Head Up High
American X
Six Barrell Shoutgun
Punk Song

Took Out A Loan
Show About to Begin
Heart & Soul

Looking forward to their next tour, such a great live band, blew me away that's for sure!
Posted Sunday, December 9, 2007 am31 at 3:15am
michelle81 says+5 Votes UP / DOWN
What an awesome show!
The Warlocks kicked things off with a brilliant set and set the tone for things to come..

Black Rebel as always put on an awesome show. I saw them at Wolverhamptom Wulfrun Hall earlier in the year but for me this show was even better for several reasons.
I was stood infront of Robert who was full of energy and played with passion,coming up close to the crowd all the time. Nick having being ill was still able to play a brilliant show and pete was as always just awesome!!
The highlight of my night came when Rob fell off the stage..not because he fell off the stage but because after, he looked at me grabbed my hand and wrapped it around the there i was holding the mic for him,it was amazing!I couldnt believe it.
When the cable fell out at the bottom I was mortified thinking that was it..but as soon as it got fixed I got given the mic again...all my christmas' came at once and I just felt like the luckiest person in the world!
Then the encore came and after holding the mic I was full of adrenaline so just made most of the last 3 songs:

Took Out a Loan
Shows about to begin

After such an amazing gig i didnt think things could get any better..but they did. After buying a limited edition painted poster I was determined to get it signed..and so to cut a long story short me and my friend eventually ended up backstage sitting with Rob and a room full of people (pete and nick had gone back to the hotel)
I was recognised as the girl who held the mic which was pretty cool! Sitting with Rob for that 10 mins was an experience i'll never forget,especially after such a brilliant show, so i would like to thank the guy (with the cool beard!) who managed to get us backstage..your awesome!And of course Rob who took the time to have a chat and sign my stuff. I'll be grinning like a cheshire cat untill the next gig!

Thank you!

Posted Monday, December 10, 2007 am31 at 5:12am
THE_PiNCH says+10 Votes UP / DOWN
Went to Coventry to drop off the limited edition of screenprints sold on the merch table...

My most important poster to date (and probably, ever), I was pretty giddy with enthusiasm and got down there a day early... (by accident)

In the spirit of that same enthusiasm and excitement I write this review... I'm not usually found on band fansites, but I'm totally making an exception here because from day 1 this band has caught my attention, pinned down the heavy bluesy fuzz I love and coupled it with a romantic but street sensibility... you all know it - this is the biggest but most credible band to grace our shores in past years... so rather than be all cool and detached, I'm here, booze-bruised and yes, enthusing.

First off the Coliseum/Kasbah is a wicked venue (despite a small off stage leak from the ceiling), old school, rectangular (which means nice and simple acoustics) and decked out like the titty twister - oh and whoever thought of writing the venue's name on the roof gets a gold star - easy to find!
The sound guy there took my posters off me for safekeeping and only gently took the piss at my 24hr miscalculation (which brings me neatly to my second point)...

Coventry is a very friendly place! aside from a couple of racist punks I encountered in town, everyone was approachable, cool and chatty, made me feel at home - drinks in the Golden Cross, dancing in Gables? Cables? (I was drunk at this stage) and an easy settee crash scored - five bloody stars Cov!

Next day, after a medicinal fry-up, I hung at the venue just long enough to get things sorted with Ryan the merch guy (top fella - easygoing), scav coffees off the visiting PA crew from Rock city, Nottingham and then get my personal print signed by the band, catching them just after soundcheck. FYI they're friendly guys for an outfit that have toured so hard, I kept it brief, not wanting to buzz round them and be a pain, but they (like Cov) were welcoming and laid back.

The gig itself was great - which I had come to expect having seen them a couple of times before. You know, in the past few years, sound-desks and amp racks have made it quite easy for a band to sound good live - back when I started gigging (late eighties) there was a real divide between bands who could consistently pull off a live show and those who couldn't. BRMC would have been in the first camp without a doubt. Also, modern production techniques in the studio (cut and paste filters etc) have made it easier to polish a t*rd - so for a band to blow a veteran like me away through earphones OR a PA stack is increasingly rare - another reason why I'm writing this! these guys aren't just a look and a vibe - they're pro artists... but I'm preaching to the choir.

For me, NeedSomeAir/HeadUpHigh and the crowd reaction to SpreadYourLove/RedEyes were the highlights (along with the penultimate Warlocks tune - first time I've caught them live) I called for InLikeTheRose but hey, it wasn't my birthday.

A fantastic night was tipped off with the clubnight after, I met more good folk and got dragged onto the dancefloor by a pair of sweeties - too bad they had boyfriends, the hours spent shivering in the station after everyone left were the only cold ones endured on my trip.

I hope I get to do another show up your way - you all rock
Posted Tuesday, December 11, 2007 pm31 at 2:38pm

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