November 22, 2003
Koln DE
Members at this show:
- Unnamed
- Unnamed
- Unnamed
- Unnamed
tanja says0 Votes UP / DOWN
awesome show. but the people in the audience should fucking stop talking. great trip with closed eyes.
Posted Saturday, February 21, 2004 am29 at 5:39am
Mad_Rebel says0 Votes UP / DOWN
the best one i've ever seen.i don't think a concert can get any better than this
Posted Sunday, February 22, 2004 pm29 at 2:26pm
nielsette says0 Votes UP / DOWN
The best concert I have ever seen (and heard). Amazing.
Posted Tuesday, February 24, 2004 am29 at 6:30am
Kirsty says0 Votes UP / DOWN
fantastic, brilliant show
best live concert I've been to - honestly
as the E-Werk is a rather small venue I could actually see the guys on stage
Cool !
Come back and don't let us wait too long
Posted Tuesday, February 24, 2004 am29 at 10:52am
shelta says0 Votes UP / DOWN
Hi, from Ukraine!!! That was amazing!! I was standing near the stage and even had such luck to shake Robert's hand. That was the best rock n roll night! Does some one know where i can finde photos from that show?
Posted Thursday, March 4, 2004 pm31 at 3:30pm
jaymo99 says0 Votes UP / DOWN
What can i say? Amazing gig...everything i could hope for and more, Being lighting designer and tech , i was blow away by the light show, 99% white,red and Catalyst minimal yet gorgious. scorcing set great venue and great sound
cant wait for hamburg Nov 2005
Posted Friday, October 7, 2005 pm31 at 3:32pm
nappi says+1 Votes UP / DOWN
This was like Deelila named
I will always remember that night...
People were amazing! Band played like haunted by the devil...
I lost three kilos that night. At the end of the show i just had my t-shirt on and my pants and my climbing boots...full of sweat and totally insane...