August 20, 2008

Hard Rock Live

Hollywood FL US

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Black_Posse, cdtv243, jodi, kimberly, kitten_head, mich, Michele, suzanne010, thisgeeekygirl

jodi says0 Votes UP / DOWN
Set list:

666 Conducer
Six Barrel Shotgun
Ain't No Easy Way
In Like The Rose (YAY!!!)
Shuffle Your Feet
The Show Is About To Begin
Spread Your Love
Heart + Soul
Punk Song
Posted Sunday, August 24, 2008 pm31 at 2:26pm
kimberly says0 Votes UP / DOWN
hmmm jodi not much of a review...and where's kittenhead's? perhaps ya'll are afraid of receiving 100 negative votes bacause as we all who attended are truly feeling is that THIS WAS THE WORST PLACE I HAVE EVER PAID SO MUCH $$ TO SEE A SHOW!!! Besides who wants to fill up a review of a BRMC show with a bunch of bitching about things that were completely out of their control? me. Have you ever been to a rock concert with a roast beef carving station? The hall smelled like weanies. And as we sat through the other opening band "Tad the Band(?)", we watched one of the 5 old ladies seating people as they carried their beer and nachos. There were 2 to 4 huge beefy security guys flanking the little ticket checkers which seemed to be alot for a crowd more concerned about eating and drinking than enjoying a rock concert. For not quite an hour as black rebel played i forgot all about my disgust of the human race. They of course were AWESOME!! I think The Show's About to Begin and Heart and Soul really blew everybody away. When they were done several people asked me who they were. Including the drunk guys behind me who were eating pizza through their set. I was sickened and had to get some fresh air. There are all these little bars outside in the mall and i took deep breaths and another beer and when we went back in stp was on. The light coming off the huge scrim behind them was like the sick light of a television set. And scott weiland was caterwauling away like they did'nt suck! Since the floor is completely flat and everybody was standing for some unknown reason, I couldn't even see the stage to see if he was in pain. So we left. While waiting outside the restroom for a friend, they started playing Lady Picture Show and really, all these guys came flooding out of the venue to use the toilet! HAHA! I guess even their fans think that song sucks!! Anyway, I was fully prepared mentally for the tickytacky nature of such a vice ridden Fla. tourist trap, but there was entirely too much FOOD! I felt more comfortable in the casino where I lost $20 in like 2 seconds. The 2 martinis and 2 gin and tonics saved the evening. Oh and btw Tampa. There was NO "inclement" weather to keep stp from getting there. Everyone else made it! Stone Temple Pilots are completely UNPROFESSIONAL and SUCK. Having to witness one of the best bands that i have ever seen live open (yet again) for a band way inferior to them just broke my heart. MY God, BRMC's B sides are better songs than STP's hit singles! There truly is no justice nor taste in this world. Oh yeah and rock.
Posted Monday, September 1, 2008 am30 at 11:34am

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