October 19, 2005
Irish Centre
Birmingham UK
Members at this show:
lucy-alexandra, Discogod, Eskil,Photos:
- Lucy McLachlan
- Lucy McLachlan
- Lucy McLachlan
- Lucy McLachlan
- Lucy McLachlan
AgentAlice, Bec, blackrebel, cloth, crystalvoyager, Discogod, elliecat, highbabe, Jeebs, jonhabs, kalani17, lau, LaurenAnne, lazyfukc, llily, lois, MacTickle, MattS, onelouder, petersgirlfriend, pigletface, pilgrim, PoppyC, powellinski, Rebel_In_Black, Ringo, scaswell, simonowen, Six_Barrel_Wes, Timsky, Townshend05, unlucky, welshylad
blackrebel says0 Votes UP / DOWN
was a top show - good to see 'complicated situation' as an opener again - LOVED acoustic US Government and the mental Sympathetic Noose... and then there was some freaky shit too... OK, we have Spike (hiya Spike) - top harmonies... we have pianos... and we have.... a TROMBONE. Yeah, a trombone - I spent half the song asking my mate... "is that a fuckin tromBONE?!'. Awesome. Robert looked not so much cool as fed up... I love laid back and moody, but he just looked tired and pissed off... even so, this was the best i've seen them so far.
Posted Thursday, October 20, 2005 am31 at 1:16am
cloth says0 Votes UP / DOWN
proper good.
great few open songs with just pete.
i was more surprised than anything- trombone, spike!? (who i thought was nick) and that little accordion peter was playing on the floor on the last number.
nice one.
ps: boo to the support band.
Posted Thursday, October 20, 2005 am31 at 10:10am
pigletface says0 Votes UP / DOWN
that was the best i've heard brmc sound so far this tour, and i wasnt expecting much from an irish bingo hall (no offence :) .the support bands have been good on all 3 i saw , really liked the newcastle one . (xfm not included in good support)
Posted Thursday, October 20, 2005 pm31 at 12:52pm
lois says0 Votes UP / DOWN
I thought that brmc probably sounded better at this gig than at any I've seen previously. The atmosphere was a little more subdued than usual at first, but I'd hope brmc wouldn't doubt the crowd's appreciation - they are much loved by their Birmingham fans and gave us a truly superb show - like someone said, "a wet Wednesday in Digbeth". Anyway, it was great to be up front for once and I can see why people bag a spot so early - the shows are actually fascinating to watch up close - what with the trombone, and contraption that Peter played for Open Invitation (a harmonium?) - I also really like the addition of Spike on stage - I could never have imagined a fourth person on stage in the past, but he makes a tremendous contribution and looks like he's always been there - all part of the band's evolution I suppose. Highlights were Fault Line (I really missed this one at Brixton), Sympathetic Noose which seemed to be a real favourite with the crowd (quite rightly so), Stop which sounded quite amazing, and Open Invitation which demonstrated clearly Peter's beautiful voice. I did miss Six Barrel Shotgun, but as Robert said, if they played everything the audience wanted they'd be there all night. Not that anyone would have minded much. :)
Posted Friday, October 21, 2005 pm31 at 2:39pm
Discogod says0 Votes UP / DOWN
This was a very strange gig, not helped by the social club type venue & the fact it had been chucking it down with rain. The crowd was very quiet, only moshed for Stop & Spread your love (in the encore), meaning they missed the moshing on punk song & love burns... ok ok, there was a bit of moshing but I felt nothing on front row. The band didn't say anything until about song 7, it seemed the more the band spoke (which wasn't much...) the more the crowd got into it. It wasn't really until 2/3 songs before the end that I felt the crowd started appreciating how brilliantly the band were playing by giving extended applauses after each song - then of course shouted for the encore by which time it felt like the gig was just about starting for the crowd.
Highlights for me - sympathetic noose, suddenly, white palms, rifles, howl, US Government, open invitation & the line.
One brown haired kid in the middle of the front row (not me I might add :D) had his head in his arms on the barrier - looking very bored & not interested at all - he did pick his head up a bit later though! Still, at least he turned up & gave the band a chance!
During Stop, Rob came to the front of the stage in the middle, there was a security guy there & rob (I think deliberately) made his guitar lightly hit the head of the security guy. So the guy moved a bit, rob then swung his guitar more & more to get him to move even further! I’m sure my friend got this on video & she thought the same too :D Rob definitely let out a smirk when doing all this!
during the opening band (the big bang or something) the lights were directly blinding me - I couldn't look at one guitarist the whole time! thankfully they put loads of dry ice on for BRMC & that sorted that problem out.
When someone asked for Shuffle your feet in the encore - Rob mentioned they'd already played that! At this time people started shouting out requests & Rob said they’d be there all night if they did all that – we told them we didn’t mind that.
urm - the lights in the hall came on after open initiation. the band were setting up for The Line & everyone in the audience booed to get the lights put back off! The band also mentioned how they had one more to play.
Posted Saturday, October 22, 2005 am31 at 5:36am
Bec says0 Votes UP / DOWN
I thought this gig was brilliant, the best by far out of 3 that ive seen them. Pete's hair looked wicked i was shocked when he came on the stage,and was me and my mate were positioned well directly in front of robert :D i lost count of how many random instruments they played but it was cool when rob was on the piano, the highlight by far was pete on the trombone it was so funny.My favourite songs were shuffle your feet, fault line and gospel i think..although they were all damn good! roll on the next time!
Posted Monday, October 24, 2005 am31 at 6:22am
lau says0 Votes UP / DOWN
well this was the first time that i've seen black rebel and maaaaan it was good. i went with my chum bec (above postee) and had a right good night. loved weight of the world, shuffle your feet, white palms...the list goes on. weeeee i cant wait to see them again! pete was amazing when he first came out, quite moving in fact...
Posted Sunday, October 30, 2005 pm31 at 4:38pm