April 04, 2008
La Trastienda
Buenos Aires AR
Members at this show:
audrey, ben1985, bombi, c1au5, carocha, caroolina, daminofaz, desperatesong, drogain, ednafrau, farriagada, Feff, feleena, Ferreira, flow, gascho, Gem, Generationn, gusgiorgi, indiemadeof, JagoGirl, jhslpm, kristo, lheito, Liam_Sur, lora, marianita, marianoc, matilda, matute82, mavi, mgc, mish, MrsSelfDestruct, nadius, nappi, nece69, Nigger72, Patricio, Por_Instinto, radioamnesiac, RebelsEnEspanol, rodriggo, silverjew, Soco, solepi, SOPHINSKY, soulmagik, submariano, tambourinegirl, Ventura, VeronicaBas, WillyBRMC, xcosmonautx
WillyBRMC says+8 Votes UP / DOWN
Thank u very much for everything, you gave to us something more than beautiful, we will be waiting for u 4ever! thanks BRMC! Come Back Soon! see you at quilmes rock
Posted Friday, April 4, 2008 pm30 at 9:37pm
gusgiorgi says0 Votes UP / DOWN
El show que dieron en La Trastienda fue TRE-MEN-DO... se notaba que estaban a gusto, el a�o pasado los vi en el FIB de Benicassim, pero este show fue claramente superior. Luego del show, el ni�o Nick Jago se qued� con nosotros en la vereda del lugar, tocando guitarra y tomando cerveza...Increible !!! Chicos y chicas de Argentina, Chile, Per� y Brasil, todos tocando guitarra y cantando temas de Radiohead, Beatles, y Nick cantando y tocando maracas con nosotros, que no sal�amos del asombro.
Gran momento !
Un saludo desde Argentina
Posted Saturday, April 5, 2008 am30 at 7:15am
mavi says+13 Votes UP / DOWN
yesterday was everything a live musical experience is supose to be: immediate, intense, revealing, transcendental, moving, caring, affectionate, colective, spiritual, inspired and inspirational, loving, tender, mesmorizing, strong, illuminating, soul, true, rock!
i still feel a bit dizzy!
and loving every single second!
Posted Saturday, April 5, 2008 am30 at 10:07am
ednafrau says+9 Votes UP / DOWN
what an amazing and unforgettable show you guys gave last night at la trastienda! i still can't believe after all these years that i finally got to see you live, and it everything i thought it would be and more! it was incredible, intense, visceral, powerful, moving, truly transcendent! adjectives do not come close to describing this musical experience; it was pure sex :) i hope you guys enjoyed it too, and come back soon. thank you so much! we love you!!
Posted Saturday, April 5, 2008 am30 at 10:24am
Nigger72 says+4 Votes UP / DOWN
1.000.000 de gracias B.R.M.C !!!!! Estan dentro de mi TOP five de los mejores recitales de mi vida, junto a Lou Reed, NIN, Jesus & Mary Chain y Bob Dylan, simplemente fueron IMPRESIONANTES. Gracias por el bis (estuvo de mas jajaja !! ) Nos terminaron de quemar la cabeza TERRIBLE !!!!
Rodrigo Cabrera
Posted Saturday, April 5, 2008 pm30 at 2:58pm
Soco says+11 Votes UP / DOWN
This show was one of the best experiences of my life. The venue choice was ideal, beacuse as it's quite small it allowed the fans to see the band up close and really live the show in the best possible way. The setlist was excellent, since they covered their most popular songs and a good assortment of songs from their four albums, not leaving one aside. The band played with their hearts. It showed they were completely determined to blow our minds and flood the place with rock n roll. The fact that they were up to meeting their fans shows their good disposition and maybe hints that they enjoyed the show as much as we did. In fact, i know they did, because RObert told me so. He stayed talking to us for quite a long time... Peter had a little less time and was very requested, so it wasn't a good idea to try and chat with him, but nonetheless i got to catch a word with him too, to thank him for giving me his pick during the show. Instead, our Robert was up for a little talk, and the picture you see in my profile shows how much of a sweetheart he is. Nick, meanwhile, was up for a freakish jam session, which i took a little part in, but i'm sorry to have left before it ended. i wonder how many girls Nick took with him that night... ;)
To make long story short, being able to witness such an amazing show, and on top of that meeting the band and getting autographs and photos is more than i ever could have hoped for. I'm sure none of us will ever forget this experience, and we'll talk about it for years to come.
rock on.
Posted Sunday, April 6, 2008 am30 at 6:11am
daminofaz says+14 Votes UP / DOWN
the show was just awesome
they started with "Love Burns" and then "Berlin". Anyway,
for me they played a lot of songs from their latest album.
which is not really my cup of tea.
nevertheless, when thet played songs like " Red Eyes" & Awake it was just breathtaking
as well as Salvation (the best song from BRMC) at that moment I was really
surprised I thought they weren't playing that one.
the crowd went nuts on "Whatever" a friend of mine was crowdsurfing &
got beat up by one of the giant security guards. I cursed him later.
and also one guy managed to climb on stage and touched peter's arm.
Meanwhile I was flipping out ! I mean it was so overwhelming.
I was up front all the way since "Love Burns" till "Heart & Soul"
I sweated like a motherfucker!!!
and the boys were so cool Robert was chatting with a lot of people
after the show. jajaj poor Robert some of them made such stupid questions
but whatever, everyone had a good time.
thanks BRMC & special thanks to: Grant Gelt
PS: today Sunday i'M gonna catch them once again "OLE OLE BLACK REBEL"
Posted Sunday, April 6, 2008 pm30 at 12:48pm
Por_Instinto says+2 Votes UP / DOWN
Compartiendo lo que mi "socio" gusgiorgi comenta en su post,el show de LA TRASTIENDA en Buenos Aires fue TREMENDO, IMPACTANTE, y yo creo que el d�a de ma�ana, se lo recordar� como aquel famoso show que The Police diera en 1980 en la disco New York City (en Bs As) como algo hist�rico y que muchas recordar�n como el primer gran show de BRMC en la Argentina. Estoy seguro que los Black Rebel se trasformar�n en una banda cada vez m�s ENORME, a punto de explotar a nivel mundial como merecen.
Just like my "partner" gusgiorgi writes in his post, the BRMC show at La Trastienda was TERRIFIC, SHOCKING, and i really believe that in the Next future, will be remembered as something histotic, just like the Police show at New York City Disco (in Buenos AIres) in december 1980: the first great show of the Rebels in Argentina. I truly bELIEVE that BRMC is about to be a HUGE band, even more than today, and that the world is about to discover them completely, as they deserve.-
Posted Monday, April 7, 2008 am30 at 9:51am
Por_Instinto says+4 Votes UP / DOWN
Compartiendo lo que mi "socio" gusgiorgi comenta en su post,el show de LA TRASTIENDA en Buenos Aires fue TREMENDO, IMPACTANTE, y yo creo que el d�a de ma�ana, se lo recordar� como aquel famoso show que The Police diera en 1980 en la disco New York City (en Bs As) como algo hist�rico y que muchas recordar�n como el primer gran show de BRMC en la Argentina. Estoy seguro que los Black Rebel se trasformar�n en una banda cada vez m�s ENORME, a punto de explotar a nivel mundial como merecen.
Just like my "partner" gusgiorgi writes in his post, the BRMC show at La Trastienda was TERRIFIC, SHOCKING, and i really believe that in the Next future, will be remembered as something histotic, just like the Police show at New York City Disco (in Buenos AIres) in december 1980: the first great show of the Rebels in Argentina. I truly bELIEVE that BRMC is about to be a HUGE band, even more than today, and that the world is about to discover them completely, as they deserve.-
Posted Monday, April 7, 2008 am30 at 9:51am
tambourinegirl says+3 Votes UP / DOWN
For sure a night i will never forget..
i finally saw them live and they kept going for hours.. not to mention i was asked by robert to play the tambourine during salvation so that just made my night.. one of the best gigs i've ever been to for sure.
Posted Monday, April 7, 2008 pm30 at 2:02pm
c1au5 says+1 Votes UP / DOWN
Wonderful show!!
Next time please insert S�o Paulo in your tour schedule!!!
Posted Tuesday, April 8, 2008 pm30 at 5:12pm
flow says+4 Votes UP / DOWN
Mezcla de raras sensaciones dejaron esa noche en mi. Hoy me siento triste, no me bast� con ver dos shows. Ustedes marcan mi vida musical. Solo puedo decirles gracias, y pedirles por favor que se repita, que vuelvan a mi pais. Esa noche es algo que voy a recordar toda mi vida y el mejor concierto de los mejores m�sicos que puedan existir. Los amo!
Mixture of odd sensations you left that night in me. Today, I feel sad. I am not enough to see two shows. You mark my musical life. I can only say thanks and please ask to be repeated, return to my country. That night is something I will remember all my life and the best concert of the best musicians that may exist. Love you!