April 06, 2008

Quilmes Rock Festival – River Plate Stadium

Buenos Aires AR

Members at this show:



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agussh, anirbas, Anto, audrey, ben1985, c1au5, carocha, daminofaz, Danyel, desperatesong, drogain, elinochan, feleena, Ferreira, gamboston, Gem, Generationn, indiemadeof, JagoGirl, jhslpm, kristo, Liam_Sur, Lionel1984, marianita, marianoc, marufe, matilda, matute82, mish, MrsSelfDestruct, Mr_Conducer_666, nadius, nappi, nece69, Nigger72, Patricio, RebelsEnEspanol, rockandrollsong, Saacry, Soco, SOPHINSKY, soulmagik, tambourinegirl, Ventura, VeronicaBas, WillyBRMC, xcosmonautx

Soco says+12 Votes UP / DOWN
Well, Quilmes Rock. Because i attended both, i can't help but compare this show with La Trastienda. They were completely different shows, even when the band rocked with passion in both. The setting at both venues vas totally different. At first we got to see them in a tiny venue, where we all knew the songs, knew exactly when it was building up the chorus and when to jump or clap or squeal ;), and then we have the River Plate Stadium, which is a stadium where World Cup soccer games were held on. The huge amount of people made it difficult for fans to be there, as we were all spread among the crowd, mostly alone or in groups of two or three. Luckily me and my friend Luz got to be right up front again, which was really scary, but hey BRMC are worth it. So, Love Burns yet again, followed by Berlin, so we thought they were copying the setlist. We were wrong. after a while i heard some chord from Ain't no Easy Way, and i yelled to Robert "AINT NO EASY WAY!" and he said "yeah, you're right down there, ain't no easy way", and they started playing it =D. So, even as the crowd in general wasnt very enthusiastic, fans took it personal to make sure they knew we were there. The last songs they played had long tags, and Peter took the chance to had towards the runway in the center of the stage. He played right in front of me for a few moments, that was awesome. Then Robert, in the next song, used the tag to jump down the stage and take a walk towards the far left side, and that i couldn't see at all. Security men had a hard time there... Then the show ended after what seemed to have been seconds, and we asked to be pulled out, because we didn't want to stay for the next shows. As we left the stadium we thanked BRMC with our hearts for an amazing show, and hoped they will return to blow our minds once again, sometime.
Posted Monday, April 7, 2008 am30 at 6:21am
daminofaz says+6 Votes UP / DOWN
the quilmes show was just a way to say goodbye.
I mean the crowd wasn't into them, the place is awful, I don't feel like
stadiums are the best places to play a rock show.
they could've played "faster songs" you know what I mean?
nevertheless I managed to feel the energy
they started with "Love Burns" & "Berlin" then they played "rise & fall",
"Red eyes" and by "Spread your love" I was going nuts again!
I was almost upfront with a guy( who had a huge tattoo of Mollo in his back, God! )
the argentinians will understand it.
and a girl beside me was more worried of taking pics
than enjoying the show.
When the show was finishing the people nect to me started to chant: "GO AWAY!"( vayanse)
"ENOUGH ALREADY!"(yasta!) fuck them if they don't like it, they should 've hanged out with their pals in another place.
Anyway, the ending is a schtick Robert always do the same at the end of
"Heart & Soul" he walks off the stage & goes down with the people right?
Thumbs Up Thanks BRMC!
We want you soon!

Details of the show.
Attendance by the time BRMC played: 10000
Supporting: Catupecu Machu & Divididos
Supported by: Massacre.
Posted Monday, April 7, 2008 pm30 at 3:43pm
marufe says0 Votes UP / DOWN
Yo fui al Quilmes y fui feliz! Me emocion� much�simo con Love Burns, es la que mas me gusta jeje :) El show me pareci� buen�simo, teniendo en cuenta lo que es el estadio de River. Y con mi novio puteabamos a la gente que ni aplaud�a... mal educados! Desde donde estabamos nosotros se escuchaban a un par de personas chiflando a lo lejos y mis alaridos desaforados para darle un poco de buena onda a mi zona, aunque lo �nico que provoc� fueron miradas mala onda de un par de fanas del rock nacional. Vi un par de videos de La Trastienda y me ca� de culo, esa buena onda que hubo ah� fue lo �nico que me molest� que no hubiera en el Quilmes.
Incre�ble el show, me puse loca cuando se mand� Robert al p�blico y yo en la otra punta del mapa queriendo patear a todos los que estaban ah� cerca solo para ver las otras bandas... y yo que fui especialmente a verlos a ellos! Vuelvan :)
Posted Monday, April 7, 2008 pm30 at 6:27pm
Anto says+2 Votes UP / DOWN
I could only go to the Quilmes show.. I couldn't afford La Trastienda, well actually I didn't want to.
I really enjoyed it, the guys were great. The setlist was pretty cool too, I mean there's lot of songs I'd like that they play, but at least they played Red Eyes And Tears, my favourite.
I think it was an appropriate setlist for the people who didn't know them.. And also to those who do know them :)
It was definitely one of the best shows I've ever been to.

Posted Friday, April 11, 2008 pm30 at 7:33pm
rockandrollsong says0 Votes UP / DOWN
Me acuerdo que al principio de todo no iba a poder ir a ninguno de los dos shows, primero por que en la trastienda, el super raton de mi viejo no me iba a dar 150 mangos para comprarme la entrada (feisima,pesima actitud)entonces pense en ir al quilmes que no iba as er lo mismopor que me tenia que comer otra cosa(lenny kravitz), y las entradas estaba 120 mango y para verlas por campo trasero no iba a ver nada, hasta que un gran dia un muy buen dia anunciaron por la tele que lenny no venia, yo muy contenta por que no venia el muchacho supuse que las entradas bajarian, y asi fue las entradas bajaron, entonces decidi juntyar la plata y pedir prestado, juntando la plata llegue unos 6 dias antes del recital a juntarlos, para todo esto iba a ir con mi amiga pero esta todavia no tenia la plata, 3 dias antes del recital, senti que no iba a ir en el recital y me puse a llorar mientras veia wearpon of choice, diciendo no los voy a ver que bajon,i want to die! hasta que mi mama me vio y me dijo yo les doy la plata y ma�ana compran la entrada, desde ahi el culo me sonreia, y asi fue compre para el quilmes y fui, y fue unas de las cosas vividas mas linda y que recordare con emocio, verlos en vivoa los b.r.m.c quien diria que un dia los iia a ver, y es asi ya pasando los 10 dias todavia me queda la emocion de aquel 6 de abril que jamas en la vida me lo oy a olvidar,
gracias por hacerme vivir esas emociones tan lindas que uno siente y tiene la oportunidad de ver a los mas grosso en el escenario!, cante salte traspire, llore cantando sus canciones, fui unas de las 4 o 5 chicas que se habian subido arriba de otras personas para poderlos aprecias mejor! y les juro y les repito que fue lo mas lindo que vivi en mi vida y por favor!
vuelvan pronto!

Thanks for everything

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