October 22, 2005


Sheffield UK

Members at this show:

Discogod, sophie_its_no_gouda,


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alanc3131, ambrown777, barnsleybrmc, BarryR22, Blues, Cherb, chrissymac, Discogod, elliecat, filsak, HollyBee, iLiKETRAiNS, joannne, Jobi1, kelise, lazyfukc, lenfy, lord_lucann, martyn, MojoPin, ohshit, onelouder, petersgirlfriend, pigletface, pilgrim, Rebel_In_Black, redshedlive, reet_gig_mate, Ruby, ScreamingGun, sinner, spacehopper, sputnik69, terminalyoungthing, the_specialist, Tilly, wah62

BarryR22 says0 Votes UP / DOWN
Wow!! What a gig! Great setlist! Six Barrel shotgun and stop rocked bad style! Acoustic opening was well good and the lads all looked like they were enjoyijng themselves!! Crowd was a bit morbid but they don't have to move if they don't want! summed up in one word - amazing!
Posted Sunday, October 23, 2005 am31 at 4:23am
sinner says0 Votes UP / DOWN
I would sell my soul to the devil to see this band play live every night.

Posted Monday, October 24, 2005 pm31 at 2:05pm
the_specialist says0 Votes UP / DOWN
Well what a night! Harrisons were good support, kind of funky which is good. Do BRMC ever play bad? I think not, it was my 5th time seeing them an they are amazing every time. Loved the guy who jumped up on stage and hugged Peter total legend. Whole set was superb, mainly lifted from Howl, (although I would have liked heart & soul) but can't complain as it was amazing. Open Invitation was beautiful, shame Sheffield had no bars around the venue as the leadmill ripped me off on drinks.
Posted Tuesday, October 25, 2005 am31 at 11:22am
ambrown777 says0 Votes UP / DOWN
This was the 4th time i have seen black rebel and i have to say it was one of their best gigs.
They played a good mix of all 3 albums and their new stuff was great. One truly amazing gig!
Posted Tuesday, October 25, 2005 pm31 at 2:53pm
lenfy says0 Votes UP / DOWN
What a gig and what a night. Was lucky enough to have uni friends in sheffield so was able to stay after the gig and get wasted. The sound of the band is very good and makes the albums seem 10times better. This was tyhe 6th time i have seen them and was the best. Come to leeds soon please lads...
Posted Wednesday, October 26, 2005 am31 at 7:58am
Discogod says0 Votes UP / DOWN
well... wow... this was certainly SO much better than Birmingham, but again one of hte best BRMC shows i've seen. the crowd were completely on it from the first note. the band themsleves were really up for it too & this showed in the music.

for a start we got restless sinner! hurrah! and six barrel...

random thoughts - after punk song nick threw his drumstick away to the front of the stage & it fell in front of the barrier.. a couple of aminutes later someone jumped out from the crowd, picked up the stick, then jumped back into the crowd right where he was (front row!). well done him i say! Later on, he saw a guitar pick on the floor also - so he did the same thing again! Then during Spread your love he was 'conducting' the band with his drumstick, rob walked to the front whilst hammering the bass, the guy kept touching rob on his leg/backside/guitar/hand in time to the music, so Rob nabbed hte stick off him & played the bass with it for the rest of the song! that was pretty cool - i tried taking pics of this but none of them came out well enough as it was heaving so much i couldn't keep the camera still. anyway, rob throws the stick down onto the stage floor after spread your love - so of course, the guy goes up onto someons shoulders, jumps onto the stage, grabs the stick, then stagedived back into the crowd & into hte front. all credit to him!

later in the set - after stop (i think), some other rod-stewart-haired-guy jumped onto the stage in between songs. went up & hugged spike! then he walked over to peter & gave him a hug! this is when a roadie came on & pulled him off, whist peter was looking on with a venue bemused - 'what the fuck just happened' look.

towards teh end, rob thanked the crowd & said how it was the last show on the uk tour & it was the best crowd & gig, hurrah

oh ahaha... another thing. there were some people near me (i was in front of rob) who were interacting in some way to peter when he went off for the encore after gospel. anyway, peter came back on first, went to the front where rob usually stands, leaned over & shook his wet hair all over us!

i'm sure there's more.... all in all, the crowd were so up for it & moshed at every chance - including howl & noose i think. i got so hot & sweaty which hasn't happened at a brmc gig for a while, so that's a good sign

afterwards we mostly hung by the bus where some roadies were & peter (mainly) was around & we just talked amongst overselves. some fireworks were let off in the street - then later on some were aimed down the road itself. the first one turned out to be crap, but the second one was following this car that was heading towawrds teh (red) traffice lights. they reached there at the same time with the firework in the lane next to it & it let off a HUGE bang, god it was so funny - suppose you had to be there though!

that wasn't he end of the fireworks though. there was an insane dunk guy who very nearly caused trouble with everyone, i shan't put the details down here though!

One of the most enjoyable BRMC shows I’ve been to – definitely!
Posted Wednesday, October 26, 2005 pm31 at 1:27pm
kelise says0 Votes UP / DOWN
Was the 1st time ive seen these guys and i have to say i was very impressed! they definately know how to rock!...I had the most amazing night!(i'm sure this had nothing to do with the fact that i was rediculasly drunk!)
I remember the hugging incident was quite funny and is 1 of the moments which will pop into my head when i remember this gig!
There were alot of the crowd around me that didnt seem to be alive! how...how can they keep so still at a gig like that?!!
Anyways these guys rock and i wouldnt hesitate to see them again, given the opportunity!!They were effing amazing!!!
Posted Friday, November 4, 2005 pm30 at 2:30pm
Tilly says0 Votes UP / DOWN
This really was an amazing gig. I have seen some great bands, Smashing Pumpkins, The Pixies, Radiohead, The Cure, QOTSA & many more but this is probably the best gig I've been to. I also saw BRMC play at the Leeds/Reading Festival (same year) but we got stuck at the back and couldn't see their performance on stage very well but they sounded great. The Leadmill was a perfect venue for them and you can be close even if you get stuck at the back. All expectations fulfilled and exceeded. I'm just hoping they play the Leadmill again.
Posted Thursday, March 22, 2007 am31 at 6:02am

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