November 18, 2007
Prime Club
Koeln DE
Weapon Of Choice
Love Burns
Cold Wind
666 Conducer
Ain't No Easy Way
Spread Your Love
Red Eyes And Tears
White Palms
Complicated Situation
Fault Line
As Sure As The Sun
American X
U.S. Government
Whatever Happened To My Rock'n'Roll
Took Out A Loan
Ha Ha High Babe
Members at this show:
BlackSof, hija_de_tormenta, Paula,Photos:
- BlackSof
- BlackSof
- paula
3_LIBRAS, alvy, ari666, a_song_away, birth10, blackheart, blackrebel75, BlackSof, bohne, BRMConne, burnbabyburn, crmbl, Dani, daysleeper, decobra, dendrite, Dvorak, Eleanor, Elwood83, freak_of_nature, fruchtzwerg, fuckinole, GeeBee, guitarero, Hannes, hefoe83, hookshot, hullabaloo, jaymo99, Joey, JohnStereo, Julia, JuneCarter, Kirsty, KoC, kuhln, Lady_Astaroth, Laklitzi, Lotta, Machi, MightyShaker, Minerva, mins, MissSupersonic, Mogoi1984, Moon_palace, mproust, Nabiah, nappi, Nicki_Napalm, Norina, Octopus, paula_abroad, phawful, Rabea, remi, rien, saazoo, Scenedamage, SebsRifles, sexdrugsrocknroll, shaden8778, VLA
Nicki_Napalm says+11 Votes UP / DOWN
The show was amazing, especially because of the club-atmosphere in this small, but completely crowded place.
They were thinking about cancelling the show beforehand because of Robert's voice. (It was for sure that at least one of them is getting the flu in freezing cold Germany. ^^) I´m really happy they didn´t, otherwise we would have missed one of the best shows ever.
Sadly they removed Rifles from their set-list, but they performed nearly everything else I wanted to hear.
Thanks a lot, lads, it was fantastic. Can´t wait until next time!
Posted Monday, November 19, 2007 am30 at 12:55am
guitarero says+14 Votes UP / DOWN
The show was the best concert in my whole life.
I came very early to meet some people from the forum and that was where the great atmosphere started. While waiting outside for the gates to open robert came out and talked with us a bit (I got my robert-autograph).
So the show itself was so amazing. They played all of my favorite songs (except "cold wind" that one was on the setlist, but cancelled. There was a very strong energy around the band that wrapped us all into their aura.
It felt like they were soldiers, we were the weapons and the music the declaration of war!
After the show Peter came out and I could talk to him for 15 minutes, finally I could tell him some things he had to know (some personal stuff) and I could ask some questions about his guitar playing and guitar sound. The coolest thing about that was that he thanked me for being a fan (he even wrote a thank you+autograph on my ticket) and said something like I´m the kind of fan they love to see.
I never had the pleasure of meeting musician that have a so strong connection to there fans. They really care about us!
P.S.: nappi will post a pic of the original setlist soon.
Posted Monday, November 19, 2007 am30 at 5:42am
hookshot says 0 Votes UP / DOWN
I cannot fully agree with the other two reviewers.
While it was a good show, some things could have been a lot better. First of the acoustics of the location. Prime Club´s sound was so badly mixed, many many times one could barely hear you sing, and it got even worse when Nick played longer tom fills.
Second, some people in the audience were absolute dipshits. How can you come late to show and then step in front of people who are way shorter than you. That is just fucked up! And also it seemed like only half the audience knew any of the songs. On the one hand, this can be great opportunity to get new fans, on the other hand, it is one of the best experiences in concerts to be surrounded by people who are equally familiar with lyrics and the songs. this was not the case and that was sad.
Third, speaking of Nick. It seemed at many points of the show that he wasnt really present. His mistakes got worse and worse until the (otherwise awesome) encore where he fucked up every song. Please get your shit together.
But, not to sound to negative nancy like, it was a pretty awesome show. One I had been looking forward to for a very long time.
Posted Monday, November 19, 2007 am30 at 9:29am
kuhln says+2 Votes UP / DOWN
well, probably not much to add due to the nice reviews above. as usual (that was just the third time for me), i suppose, a great gig and can´t wait to see brmc the next time.
i think the sound was very good considering the venue, which has a pretty old sound system. thinking of many gigs i´ve seen before there (eg cooper temple clause, cribs, broken social scene, dissociatives), i never thought it would be capable of expressing such a loud, rough and thrilling sound experience to the audience. everything was there, albeit of little mute vocals at times but it didn´t bother me really. at least bad sound sounds worse than this.
somehow i like the way brmc don´t connect to the people in concert, as entertaining the crowd might be fun, but hey, we´re there for the rock, but in return show amazing interest of constantly improving their song material with all those amazing jams throughout a lot of the songs, and especially, the live sound itself. i think there´s nothing much to add in rock´n roll when you´ve got rob´s guitar in "ain´t no easy way" and "...[punk song]" - some of the best tunes i´ve ever heard. during the acoustic part i couldn´t perceive much more than a thousand filming mobiles (visual) and some guys talking way too loud behind me (audio). well, thanks for that!
Posted Monday, November 19, 2007 am30 at 10:16am
dendrite says+4 Votes UP / DOWN
Not posting a review, but I must add something to one of the last posts: We must keep in mind that Nick has been ill the week before and that Robert was not feeling well that night (he mentioned that during the show, remember). And they didn't stop the tour, but continued. It's a live show, so mistakes are common, even if the band's as good as BRMC. You just don't notice everytime. If Nick made mistakes - so what? Most of the show was he was brilliant as always and most people haven't probably noticed that bass- and drumline were drifting apart at one point. It was only for a few bars, later it was alright.
We are VERY lucky the band didn't cancel the shows and that they played such an excellent set. The atmosphere was amazing, much better than in London for instance, and the band was trying their very best to let us all have a very good time. So we should forgive minor mistakes, okay? ;-)