August 24, 2004

Rescue Rooms

Nottingham UK

Members at this show:

royscat, Discogod,


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foxystoat says0 Votes UP / DOWN
The backing CD played before BRMC came on stage set the mood for me..Ride, Brian Jonestown Massacre, Ride again!!Then the dry ice enveloped the stage and eerie red lights in the background shone bright as BRMC took the stage. The setlist changed drastically for this gig(sorry, forgot to write it down, help me out here if you attended!!) as the band lauched into Stop straightaway. The band stormed through a pulsating set drawing from the first two albums and selected new songs, including C"omplicated Situation, which most people in the crowd were singing along to, despite the fact it hasn't been released yet!! Move over Bob Dylan!! Fantastic rendition!!"

The band werwithin touching distance, it was that kind of venue, with the sweat generated pouring down the walls, it was that warm!!

Crowd favourites "Punk Song", "Spread your Love" and "Love Spreads went down well with the, by now, sweaty crowd, whilst the set closer "Heart & Soul", as ever, was played out with earshattering panache. Four song encore provided little respite and by the end, the crowd were well happy.

Just one slight criticism...less dry ice next time was so foggy up there on stage, it could have been my granny playing guitar for all I knew!! A fabulour gig
Posted Wednesday, August 25, 2004 am31 at 11:04am
lois says0 Votes UP / DOWN
Oh God this was bliss all the way. They just keep getting better and better. Passionate performance, perfect silhouettes against red and orange infused dry ice, wonderful crowd, amazing atmosphere. Gospel, a new song, was beautiful; a hint of what's to come - it's going to be amazing. Just as powerful as full on Punk Song. Here's the set list:

Six Barrel Shotgun
Love Burns
In Like the Rose
Ha Ha High Babe
Shade of Blue
Punk Song
US Government
Complicated Situation
Shuffle Your Feet
Spread Your Love
Heart and Soul

It was supposed to end there but we weren't having any of it, so they did:

Red Eyes and Tears
Rise or Fall


Thank you for yet another amazing night. Until next time... :)
Posted Wednesday, August 25, 2004 am31 at 11:09am
Discogod says0 Votes UP / DOWN
The gig was mindblowing... absolutely, godknowswhatwordsicanusetodescribesuchanincredibleevent. Yeah. 300 people crammed into this tiny venue with barely space to breath. We were sweating like never before, my shirt was soaked, my legs could feel drips (of sweat i'll have you know) dripping down them from time to time. This is what i live for, this is what i love, i sweat for it & i bled for it too this time after receiving a cut to my hip after hitting an amp. so worth it though, so so incredulous - if that's not a word, then it is now.

It was certainly a feeling of being very lucky. Not lucky we were there, but lucky the crowd was so great, so into it & that in turn fed the band to give one of their best performances, certainly the best i've seen (I think, up there with the last London Forum show with Gardener). So the band gave back what we gave them & paid us dutifully with 5 extra songs that weren't even on the original setlist (which i got hold of). Here we are,
* indicates not on original setlist,
@ indicates song written on since it was printed.

Six Barrel Shotgun
Love Burns
White Palms
In Like The Rose
Ha Ha High Babe
@Shade Of Blue
Punk Song
Us Government
Complicated Situation
Shuffle Your Feet
Spread Your Love
Heart and Soul
*Fail Safe
*Red Eyes & Tears
*Rise Or Fall

18 songs in all, on stage for nearly two hours with new song Gospel thrown in for good measure. This song is acoustic in line with the previous two songs on the set. It's a beautiful epic sung (and probably written) by Rob with more references to Jesus. Some of the guitarwork by Peter reminded me of the old style you'd generaly associate to Spaniards/Mexicans.

Usually the band leave the stage after Punk Song, that didn't happen (early in the set i know, but still taken by surprise!) Nor did they leave before or after the acoustic, the show seemed to last a very long time & it wasn't until Heart & Soul was finished did they finally leave the stage to a rapturous applause, the crowd baying for more & more! So they came back on stage seemingly unsure of what to play & they came out with old crowd fave fail safe. It's a long time since i heard this, not sure when it was, perhaps early this year as a one-off but not since before TTOOYO came out was it a regular. Ahh... seems like Rise or fall was probably only played as some guy kept shouting for it during the break & throughout the encore! he certainly seemed to love it

Bring on the next gig, whenever & wherever that may be!

Posted Wednesday, August 25, 2004 pm31 at 2:50pm
Julia says0 Votes UP / DOWN
What a night! The gig was amazing! The band gave everything and more. I never had the chance to see BRMC in such a small venue so that was a great experience. Also hearing "Gospel" for the first time makes me look forward to the next album. :)

Thank you BRMC!
Posted Thursday, August 26, 2004 am31 at 7:13am
pilgrim says0 Votes UP / DOWN
This will be rather long, and more about the people that went than the band so you're forgiven if you loose interest.

I LOVED the Nottingham gig! First of all there were so many of us there, so the fun started way before the gig. Pigletface drove me, Anna and Vanessa there so the shenanigans started already in the car. The only dampener is that we find out Sara can't make it. We missed you! As we were driving into Nottingham from an area of really sunny and blue skies we could see all of Nottingham covered in one huge oppressive black cloud. It was like driving into hell! It set the atmosphere for suitably dark expectations. We got a bit lost but eventually just stumbled across our Travel Inn in the centre. Once there we were relieved to find the bar was open. So the party started. We didn't make it to the very old pub, but we joined the others at the Rescue Rooms bar. Others being Disco's lodgers for the night Tc, Julia and sister, blackrebel75 and Disco himself.
Drinks were 2 for 1, very good...But hang on a minute I have a tiny complaint with regards to this- WHAT! NO RUM! So JD and coke then I guess.
Ringo and Lois arrived, and I must say they win the price for the most attractive BRMC couple as far as I'm concerned. I mean Lois is so beautiful I'm certain I'd be chatting her up if I was male. I think I even said something to her to this effect when I'd had too much to drink and only managed to confuse everyone. Sorry (I know I'm bad).
Lazyfukc arrives and turns out to be a top bloke. Friendly, laid back and generous. It was great to get to know you!
Finally it's time for the gig, which is pretty lucky 'cause the 2 for 1 situation has gotten the better of me by now.
Once inside we get to meet Onelouder too and Vanessa's mate AK turns up. Both lovely people!
As everyone has mentioned they come on to a load of dry ice. At first I'm annoyed 'cause I can't see anyone�s features and Nick is completely invisible. But with the coloured lights and music it starts to make sense and just adds to the vibe. It's amazingly hot in there and the whole thing turns into a pulsating Rock'n'Roll steam room. The gig was great, simply put. I have to echo what people have said about the new tune 'Gospel'. It's beautiful. I loved the vocal melody, lyric wise I could only pick out Jesus references and it did reminded me of SP3. That's pretty high praise coming from me...
After the gig I'm exhausted and sweaty and hot. So a few of us go and stand outside the bar/venue. Eventually the whole posse join us out there.
At this point Robert turns up and stops to talk. He's got some good news about there being plenty of interest in the new material from record labels. Nothing is settled yet, but he said he was pleasantly surprised at how positive record companies had been. It sounded like the boys had not expected the music business to get it. He also talks about having a great studio lined up to continue work on the record and mentions that they do indeed want to have a long break if everything goes according to plan. So sorry everyone, it is true!

Robert then spent the entire evening out there talking to people on a one to one basis and being very friendly. Good Man.
Nick was floating in and out of Radio 4 gig, but didn't really stop to talk properly. Pete came past later, but he had company and was on the way to a bar, so that meeting was indeed fleeting.

Ringo started getting impatient and wanted to resume the plan of going to the Radio 4 gig, but most of us are too fucked and to eager to engage in fan like behaviour and hang around 'cause Rob is there. Eventually he goes to check it out, but is back fairly soon. Sorry Ringo I know I failed you in the going out and having fun department!
Conversations around the 'camp fire' get more and more silly as the night gets colder. Tc treats us to a mouth organ solo *ahem*, played on a harmonica given to him off the stage by Steph, the guitar tech. A word has to be said about the BRMC crew at this point. They must be the nicest band crew I've ever come across! Steph and Wic (bass tech) in particular are always so friendly and respectful of us all. Bless Em.
The jokes continue and Tc (again) makes a squirrel coat hanger (don't ask). Anna and pigletface are on top form too. Eventually it just gets too cold and it's time to go home. We make it to our hotel and Lazy has the misfortune of staying in our room. We wind the night down with Vanessa and AK. When lights finally go out and we're supposed to sleep, pigletface suddenly comes into her own... very, very funny. I can't stop coughing either (still at it Lazy). So we all get about three hours sleep before it's time to get up and do it all over again.
Posted Sunday, September 5, 2004 am30 at 9:52am

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