July 24, 2010
San Fran
Wellington NZ
Members at this show:
April_Sky, c_h_r_i_s_09, nanunanunz
nanunanunz says0 Votes UP / DOWN
WELLINGTON - San Francisco Bathhouse - Saturday 24th July 2010
War Machine
Mama Taught Me Better
Bad Blood
Beat The Devil's Tattoo
Weapon Of Choice
Whatever Happened To My Rock 'n' Roll (Punk Song)
Visions Of Johanna
River Styx
Spread Your Love
Shadow's Keeper
Open Invitation
Some key quotes/fun moments:
Robert: "Its unfortunate that I have to tell you this... but my brother, my bandmate, my soul, my everything... Peter over here (gestures towards Peter) has got a throat infection laryngitus" - which got a huge crowd response of "oh no" and "awww", then Robert said to Peter: "Its ok, they still love you" which got a huge applause. Peter apologised to the audience, but his voice was crackily and he was obviously struggling. Poor guy, we really feel for him - sore throats are the worst! We hope that he feels better soon! But it was so sweet of Robert to describe Peter in such a loving and caring way - they obviously share a tight friendship and bond - even Peter seemed moved by Robert's descriptions.
Robert: "There's so many songs that we want to give you and its so frustrating..." - this is a true statement but the fact that Peter couldn't sing, made it a Robert fan's dream set because he played so many of his songs! Yay! It wasn't a lesser concert in any way shape or form! We are just so thankful and grateful to Peter that they didn't cancel it. Thats really dedicated and the fans were so grateful to him for keepin on going.
Robert: "I'm very suspicious of you... last time we were here, I mean, last time we were in Australia..." - gulp, that was a bad slip of tongue! New Zealander's hate being confused with Australians! We don't have anything against Australia, we love it, but we are not Australians! The crowd booed soooo loudly! One of our nation's slogans is "New Zealand, its NOT part of Australia"! hehe! Robert just laughed, and then gestured as if to say "Ok, I deserve that, let me have it" and then continued with what he was going to say "when I was last in Australia, I lost my voice and now Peter's lost his voice..."
Robert: "It's a pleasure to come and play for you, its a long time coming, innit?"
"American X" was written on the setlist after "River Styx" but they never played it.
We got a pick after they left the stage! Yay!