August 13, 2008
Us Cellular Coliseum
Bloomington IL US
Members at this show:
aaronh, dbmair, messier_95, nrknight, V_2, xcnewt
nrknight says+7 Votes UP / DOWN
Great show! The bass was a little distorted and vocals a bit hard to hear, but it was the Coliseum after all. It was great to hear Berlin live!
Posted Wednesday, August 13, 2008 pm31 at 9:48pm
aaronh says+6 Votes UP / DOWN
It was great to see the band...hopefully picked up some new fans. Good show...but only a teaser. Can't wait to see the band headlining again...maybe back at the Canopy Club in Urbana? Let's hope.
Posted Thursday, August 14, 2008 am31 at 8:08am
xcnewt says+13 Votes UP / DOWN
I have never heard of this band before. I cannot belive what great music i have been missing. BRMC opened for an hour or so. Every song was amazing. While i do agree the vocals were hard to understand through the sounds system, the band itself was amazing. I left that concert that night and looked up BRMC as a new fan of their music. Great Job Guys!
Posted Monday, August 18, 2008 pm31 at 12:24pm