June 16, 2005


London UK

Members at this show:

Superstar, Hide, Eskil,


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4x4rocker, alancvo, alexwilliams, amurden, andrewandsandra, blackrebel, brandy, brewer07, brmcut, BRMD, carrasfe, Cherb, chrismclaughlin, cloudend, Dani, denial, detroitkit, donniebrasco69, elliecat, emuly, FallFanMichael, fu-na, funkygibbon, gdebenham, janette, jasonmaidment, jess, Julia, mahoney, Marky, motorbaby, nique, piglet1965, pilgrim, psychedelicgirl, redfoxx, robbailey, sean, spiritlevel, stefvitti, Stickergirl, Superstar, tomgulden, zlattes, zolasmate

BRMD says0 Votes UP / DOWN
This was the first time i'd seen this lot live. Got a touted ticket after only finding out about the gig that afternoon, had to hang about for ages but got in for 25 quid. what a show!!! Discovered BJM too, the best "support" i'd seen in ages...and they're in a movie showing at the moment, it just gets better! Confirmed BRMC addict, a privilege to see 'em in such a small venue too (since surpassed on that front by The Garage but The Scala rocked a bit more!)
Posted Sunday, October 16, 2005 pm31 at 4:31pm
blackrebel says0 Votes UP / DOWN
yeah im with the above postee! BJM were a right laff (they supported BRMC at Birmingham Academy 2 in 2005) - get Tepid Peppermint Wonderland if you can. Gig was great - some bands are just made for venues like this. Scala is my #1 fave venue for gigs - worth the 200-mile roundtrip!
Posted Friday, February 17, 2006 am28 at 10:23am

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